Archive Settings

To access the per-archive preference settings, open an archive and choose ArchiveSettings… from the menu.


Shifted Quanta Detection

Shifted quanta detection performs advanced data de-duplication analysis during capture. It looks for duplicate blocks of data that have been shifted (relative to their previous offset) in the file. This requires a lot more processing, but can produce significant storage savings for some types of documents.

At the lowest (leftmost) setting, no shifted quanta detection is performed. At the highest, every byte offset in every file is tested for shifted quanta.

The settings in between automatically throttle shifted quanta detection based on performance. Shifted quanta detection is periodically turned on during capture; if it is successful in saving archive space it is left on, or disabled again if it is not being effective.

How shifted quanta detection works Details
Cost and benefits of shifted quanta detection More Info


The compression settings control how much, and when, data records in the archive are compressed.

Compression is the simplest way to reduce the size of an archive, but requires additional processing. Compression slows down the writing of new archive records. And once a record is compressed, it must be decompressed every time it is read.

On the other hand, compression might actually improve performance. When the archive is on a external or network storage device that has a particularly slow interface, reading and writing less (i.e. compressed) data can make archive operations faster. You can always compress an uncompressed archive later by setting a compression level and compacting the archive.

The Capture Compression setting controls the compression of new archive records as the are captured. The leftmost setting performs no compression at all, while the rightmost setting performs the most aggressive compression possible.

The Compact Compression setting controls the compression of uncompressed archive records during the compact action.

Setting the capture compression level performs the compression during capture. It's the most efficient way to compress records, but slows down the capture.

Setting the capture compression to off and the compact compression to a higher level defers compression until the archive is compacted; the capture runs faster, while the compact runs slower.

Effectiveness of compression More Info

Data Redundancy

The Data Redundancy setting shows the current data redundancy level for the archive. This is normally set when the archive is created, but you can alter it in the archive's settings.

If you alter the setting, new correction blocks will be calculated for the entire archive. This can be a time consuming process for large archives, very close to the amount of time it takes to verify it.

The leftmost setting means that the archive has no redundant data. Changing the setting to none will remove all correction blocks from the archive.

See data redundancy for more details.

Keep Deleted Items

The Keep deleted items for at least setting ensures that any item deleted within the "keep deleted" time period will be available for recall, as long as the item was captured at least once.

An item captured in one layer, and absent from the next layer (because it was discard or moved), is considered to be deleted in the archive. You can see, and recall, deleted items either by rewinding the archive to that earlier layer or using the ViewShow Deleted Items command. See recalling deleted items.

When layers are merged, those deleted items are normally expunged from the archive. See merging layers. Setting the Keep deleted items for at least setting changes this behavior.

If a deleted item was deleted within the "keep deleted" time period, the item isn't physically removed when the layers are merged. Instead, the item is retained in the layer and marked "deleted." It does not appear in the archive item browser (unless said Show Deleted Items is on), and will not be recalled (again, unless Show Deleted Items is on)

Once a deleted item is older than the "keep deleted" time period, it is eventually removed from the archive when:

A setting of 0 (zero) will not preserve any deleted items.

Cull uncaptured volumes

A volume that was once captured, but is no longer being captured, can remain in the archive indefinitely.

To prevent old volumes from occupying space in the archive forever, the Cull uncaptured volumes after setting sets a limit on how long a volume can persist in the archive.

Volume Culling Decision Note

Excluded Items

The Exclude settings collectively determine what items are excluded from being captured. These settings are applied to all future captures made to this archive.

Predefined Items

The five checkboxes each exclude a pre-determined set of items:

Specific Items

Arbitrary items can be excluded by adding them to the a Specific Items list.

Adding special items to list Note
Recalling folders containing excluded items Warning

The primary advantage of using the archive's settings to exclude an item is that the item doesn't have to have a Do not capture preference setting in order to be excluded. This means you can exclude items that might be periodically deleted and recreated, or items on volumes that don't support extended attributes—situations where the per-item capture preferences can't help.

It can also be handy when you want to exclude an item from a specific archive, but let other archives capture it.

In most other cases, the per-item capture preference is the preferred method of excluding arbitrary items.

Excluded item on different systems Details


You can also exclude items by adding patterns. Patterns use glob (shell) file matching or regular expression syntax to match the names of items you want excluded.

See exclude patterns.

Other excluded items Details