Data Redundancy & Error Correction

All archives provide error detection. Redundancy adds error correction, empowering QRecall to tolerate modest amounts of unreadable or corrupted data.

The amount of redundant data is set when the archive is created. You can change it later in the archive's settings.

open dialog with redundancy controls

The slider controls the amount of redundant data that will be generated for the archive, expressed as a ratio. A setting of 1:16 will generate one byte of correction data for every 16 bytes of archive data. The maximum is 1:1, generating a byte of correction data for every byte of archive data, doubling the size of the archive.

The leftmost setting (none) generates no redundant data and disables error correction. Choose this setting if the volume that contains the archive provides its own error correction. Examples would be a RAID5 disk array or cloud storage service.

The two indicators show the effect the setting will have on the size and performance of the archive.

The ratio you choose can dramatically affect performance. Error correction requires a lot of matrix math; the dimensions of the matrices are determined by the ratio of correction data. Some ratios can be optimized, resulting in better performance. The ratios with the best performance are none, 1:16, 1:8, and 1:4; these ratios are highlighted in the slider.

How error correction works Details
When is error correction used? Details