Repairing Archives

An archive that becomes damaged (and the next action to run couldn't auto-repair it), the archive must be repaired before it can be used again.

This is a precautionary measure; QRecall has discovered something is wrong with the archive and, until it is repaired, QRecall cannot guarantee the veracity of its contents. Recalling items from a damaged archive is suspect and further modification of the archive may cause additional data loss. QRecall errs on the side of caution, refusing to use the archive until it is repaired.

Recommended Repair Procedure

The log or status window should definitively indicate when an archive is damaged and needs to be repaired.

The first step is to find the problem (usually in the log) that caused the archive to become damaged.

Also send a diagnostic report if any QRecall process repeatedly crashes or terminates abnormally.

Automating Repair

You can automatically repair an archive by creating a repair action that runs whenever QRecall determines that the archive is damaged and can't be auto-repaired.

Creating an auto-repair action