
An archive that becomes damaged (due to media failure, volume corruption, I/O failure, system crash, or similar calamity) can be repaired using the repair command.

Alternative to Repair Tip

See also the auto-repair topic and the repairing archives guide.

Repair an archive Steps

Volume Repair

Before repairing an archive, it is strongly recommended that you repair the volume where the archive is stored, using Disk Utility or some similar tool.

A lot of problems—I/O errors and data corruption—can often be traced to a corrupted volume structure. Repairing the volume before repairing the archive ensures that the volume is not the cause of any further issues.

Be warned: repairing an archive on a corrupted volume may result in additional data loss.

QRecall's volume repair feature uses macOS's built-in disk diagnostic tool; the same tool employed by Apple's Disk Utility. You are, of course, free to use any alternative utility of your choosing and skip the built-in repair.

Repair Method


There are three types of repair: Reindex, Repair, and Recover. Select which type you wish to perform using the tabs at the top of the dialog sheet.


A reindex does not make any modifications to the archive's primary data storage file. Instead, it simply reads the records in the primary data file and uses that to reconstruct the archive's index files. These index files are necessary to efficiently access and update the contents of the archive.

If anything in the primary data file is found to be inconsistent, a reindex will fail. Perform a reindex if you are told to, or you have reason to believe that the problem is with an index file and all of the archive records are valid.

If the reindex is successful, it indicates that there was no lost or corrupted data in the archive.

This option is slightly faster than a regular repair.


A repair reads the primary data storage file and validates all of the records and data. Corrupted, inconsistent, and unreadable records are erased. Whatever valid records remain are stitched back together to form a usable archive.

Following a repair, the archive may be missing files or metadata. But all of the files remaining in the archive have been verified to be complete and undamaged. The folders and layers that have missing files are indicated as "repaired" in the browser.

The repair command offers a variety of options that affect how the archive is repaired. Under most circumstances, accept the default settings.

Use Auto-Repair Information

An archive is normally auto-repaired at the beginning of any command or action. Auto-repairing the archive (if possible) will allow the full repair to work more smoothly.

There are rare cases where auto-repair may interfere with the repair. If you are unable to repair an archive, QRecall support may instruct you to turn the Use auto-repair information option off.

If you suspect that the archive needs only to be auto-repaired, don't perform the repair command. Every (non-repair) action will first auto-repair the archive before it starts. The simplest method to test if auto-repair will do the trick is to open and verify the archive; if you can do that, the archive doesn't need a full repair.

Recover Lost Files

When layers are merged, older and deleted item records are not immediately erased; they are simply abandoned. A subsequent compact action will scour the archive, identify all of the file records that no longer belong to any layer, and erase them—a process known as garbage collection.

The repair command normally performs the same garbage collection. If, however, one or more folder records are damaged, the files those folders contained will appear to be abandoned file records and will be erased along with the rest of the garbage. (Note that subfolders of a damaged folder are reconstructed using redundant information, so subfolders aren't affected by garbage collection.)

If the Recover lost files option is set, abandoned file records are not erased. Instead, they are reassigned to a special "Recovered" owner & volume, which will appear in the archive when the repair is complete. You can then browse and recall these files as needed.

Once you've restored the lost files you were interested in, you can delete the special "Recovered" owner.

Recover Incomplete Files

Files in an archive consist of a file record and one or more data (quanta) records. A file record that is missing data records is considered to be damaged and is normally erased; the incomplete file is logged, and the folder that contained the file is marked as "repaired."

If you set the Recover incomplete files option, those damaged files will be retained and marked as "damaged" in the archive.

Note: this is a pretty desperate option. Damaged files are almost always unusable, as they will be missing an undetermined amount of data. For some file types, like plain text, this can still recover a significant amount of usable information.

Data Redundancy

This option determines how the archive's redundant data is repaired. (If the archive does not store redundant data, this option is ignored.)

Follow up capture Note


A recover reads an existing archive and uses whatever data is readable to construct a new archive. Use recover when the existing archive's media, volume, or device is failing, is unreliable, or can't be written to.

Recover also allows you to experiment with different repair options, without erasing any data in the existing archive.

When you start the recover, QRecall will prompt for the name and location of the new archive. This should be stored on a reliable volume with enough free space to hold the recovered data. The settings you choose here will also determine the amount (if any) of redundant data in the recovered archive.

Recover Lost Files, Recover Incomplete Files

These are the same options used by repair.

Ignore Redundant Data

This option determines how the original archive's redundant data is treated. Normally, the archive's redundant data is used to correct any corrupted or unreadable data. Set this option to disable data correction.

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