Status Window

The status window shows a compact overview of the health and well-being of your archives.


To open the status window, choose WindowStatus in the QRecall application or Status Window from the QRecall status item in the menubar.

QRecall monitors four key conditions for each archive:

The status window presents these conditions in a simple-to-read indicator that shows OK ( status_ok green), concern ( status_concern yellow), or problem ( status_problem red) for each condition.

The summary line at the top of the archive's status shows an aggregate of the status conditions. To see the individual conditions, click anywhere in the panel to expand it.

Capture and Verify Status


These two status indicators are green (status_ok) if both capture and verify actions have successfully completed recently. They turn yellow (status_concern) if they have not been performed in some time or if minor problems were encountered. They turn red (status_problem) if they have not been performed for an extended period of time or if serious problems were encountered.

What does “recently” mean? Details

Available Space Status

The space available to an archive to capture more data is the sum of the unused space in the archive itself plus any free space on the volume where it resides.


The space indicator compares the total space available to capture more data against the amount of data already captured. It turns to concern (status_concern) if the available space drops below 9%, and indicates a problem (status_problem) if it drops below 4%.

The display graphically shows the:

Click on the graph or legend to cycle its display mode. The graph can chart just the used and unused space in the archive, the archive sizes plus the free space on the volume, or all four.

Status Menu

Click on the archive's status menu (monitor icon in menu showing menu), or right/control+click anywhere in an archive's status, to choose one of these commands:

The Forget command is useful for an archive that has been deleted or is no longer is use by this system.

Silencing a warning is convenient in situations where the archive isn't managed in typical fashion. For example, let's say you have a legacy archive containing projects you no longer keep on your working system. QRecall will constantly warn you that nothing has been recently captured to that archive; which is true because you no longer capture anything to that archive. Choose SilenceCapture Warning and QRecall will acquiesce.

Status amnesia Note