Activity Monitor

The activity window shows the progress of, and lets you control, running actions and some direct commands.


To open the activity window, choose WindowActivity Monitor in the QRecall app menu or choose Monitor Window in the QRecall status item in the menubar (idle monitor status in menubar).

Adding QRecall to the menu bar Tip

Click anywhere in a running action's pane to expand the pane and show more details (and controls). Click again to collapse it.

Actions run in the background Note
Transfer an archive command to the activity window Power User Tip

Also see monitor preferences for how to control automatic opening and closing of the activity window.

Controlling an Action

In the upper right corner of each action's pane is a stop button. The expanded view has a stop and action buttons.

Note: a few commands can not be stopped or paused, in which case the stop button will be disabled.

Control Menu

An action's control menu can be used to start, stop, temporarily pause, or resume an action.


Stopping or Canceling a Running Action

Stopping a running action requests that it gracefully wrap up and stop as soon as possible. If the action hasn't started yet, the action is canceled.

The capture and compact actions will save their work and pick up again where they left off. Verify actions will start over. The merge action is one of the few actions that cannot be stopped; once started, the layers in the process of being merged must be allowed to complete—which normally doesn't take too long.

Stopping an action from the terminal Details

Pausing a Running Action

Pausing a running action puts the action process to sleep for some period of time. This is sometimes useful if you are trying to perform some CPU, memory, or I/O intensive activity that the QRecall action is competing with.

The action will resume running after the selected time period passes, or the Resume command is chosen.

Also see the troubleshooting performance guide.