
Performance issues broadly fall into two categories: how to get the best performance for actions and how actions might impede the performance of your other activities.

Action Performance

The speed of most actions is largely dependent on I/O performance. Actions modifying an archive that is directly connected to the machine via a fast interface (say, Thunderbolt) will perform much faster than an archive that's on a file server and accessed through a local area network.

For best performance, perform actions on the computer that has the fastest connection to the archive. For example, let's say you have an archive on a NAS server used to capture two computers, a laptop and a desktop. The desktop connects via 1 GB ethernet, while the laptop connects via Wi-Fi.

With the desktop's faster connection, all of its actions will run substantially faster.

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Slow CPU speed and lack of memory can also retard performance. Given a choice of running maintenance actions on one of two computer with similar I/O speeds, you'll generally get the best performance from the one with the most RAM.

Conflicting Resources

It's unlikely that you have too much memory, or your processor and I/O are just too fast. All of these resources are limited and must be shared amongst the processes that need them. As QRecall actions use CPU, memory, and I/O, it means that the performance of your other applications—likely the ones you need to get work done—may be negatively affected, and vice versa.

The general solution is to simply avoid doing too many things at once, and there are a variety of ways to accomplish that.

Incidental Interference

Should a QRecall action, or actions, suddenly interfere with your work there several ways to get QRecall to "step aside":

Habitual Interference

If QRecall actions are regularly dragging down the performance of important applications, consider deferring those actions to a time when your computer is not being used for other tasks, or intelligently skip actions that might interfere with your work.