Event Schedules

An event schedule will run an action when a particular event occurs. Mounting a volume or quitting an application are examples of events that can start an action running. There are eight event schedules to choose from:

Capture Item Changes limitations Note


The action can wait for a short period of time, following the event, before starting. Enter a value of 0 to run the action without any delay.

Ignore New Events

The ignore option will ignore similar events that occur after the event that ran the action. To prevent new events from running the action again too quickly, choose the Ignore new events for option and choose a time period. The next event that occurs after the ignore period will run the action again.

For example, the Capture item volume connects schedule can capture a portable drive the minute it is plugged in. If you set the Ignore new events for period to 1 hour, the action won't run again if the drive is disconnected and then reconnected 10 minutes later. If it's disconnected and reconnected three hours later, the action runs again.

Repeat Action

If a repeat interval is set, the action will repeat again at regular intervals as long as the condition that caused the event persists.

For example, take an Archive Volume Connects schedule that is set to repeat at 6 hour intervals. The action runs when the volume containing the archive is connected. If that volume remains connected for 6 hours, the action will run again, and will continue to run every 6 hours until the volume is ejected.