
Scheduler Preferences

Running Actions While Logged Out

Check the Start and run actions while logged out setting if you want the scheduler to run actions when you are not logged in.

Background scheduler Details

Unmounting volumes

Actions that use an archive on an external, removable, or remote volume will attempt to automatically mount that volume when the action starts.

Check the Unmount volumes mounted by actions setting to unmount the volume again after the last action with an archive on that volume has finished. Volumes that were already mounted when the first action ran are not affected.

Volumes in use Note

Concurrency Limits

Letting two or more actions access different archives on a single magnetic storage device can significantly reduce performance due to a phenomenon called trashing. A drive that is being "thrashed" spends most of its time jumping back and forth between the requests from competing processes, and very little time actually reading and writing data. This results in two actions taking several times longer to complete than if they had been performed sequentially.

Similarly, your system has limited RAM and CPU resources. Letting an unfettered number of actions run simultaneously can saturate those resources, dramatically reducing the usability of your system.

The Maximum concurrent actions setting puts a limit on how many actions the scheduler will start concurrently. Setting this to Automatic sets a limit based on the amount of physical RAM and the number of CPU cores available.

The Maximum actions per volume setting constrains the number of concurrent actions that all use the same physical storage device (that is, two archives that are stored on the same volume, or on different volumes of the same physical drive). If you are using traditional magnetic storage devices, the recommended setting is Automatic or 1.

Only the scheduler uses these limits Note