Missing Archive

Each action contains a reference to its archive, and it uses this reference to locate the archive when it runs. Here are a few of reasons why an action might report that it can't find its archive.

Broken Bookmark

An action uses a macOS structure called a bookmark to remember where its archive is. Bookmarks are really smart, and can usually locate your archive even if it's been moved or renamed. There are situations, however, where a bookmark will lose track of where the archive is; fix this by updating the action's bookmark.

Refreshing an action's bookmark Steps
Other uses for bookmarks More Info

Remote Archives

An archive stored on networked volume presents a special challenge if the remote volume isn't connected when the action is started.

The scheduler will attempt to connect the remote volume when it runs the action. To be successful, all of the following must be true:

Setting up access to a remote volume Steps

Archives on Local/External Drives

The scheduler will attempt to mount a local volume that contains the action's archive before the action starts. This can fail if:

Fixing the bookmark or running the action while logged in should resolve the problem.

Also see the unmounting volumes preference.

The external/remote volume still isn't being mounted… Note