Stack Connection

A stack exists in two parts:

The stack connection contains all of the information needed at locate and access the container. While the stack container contains all of the stack's data. Normally, these work together seamlessly and require no maintenance or attention.

There are, however, special situations where the stack's container or connection may require intervention, either together or separately.

Delete a Stack

The simplest task is to a delete a stack that you no longer want to use.

Delete a Stack Steps

Reconnect a Container

If access to the container is no longer valid, you will need to reconnect the container. This could happen if, say, the stack container was moved or its access key has expired and a new one has been issued.

Reconnecting the stack will update the stack container's location and credentials in the archive.

Reconnect a Stack Container Steps

Reconnect a Stack

If an archive's connection to a stack has been lost, then the stack won't appear in the archive's sidebar. Reconnecting the archive to an existing container requires a new connection be added, not just updated.

Reconnect a Stack Steps

A perfect example of this situation occurs when an archive that was connected to multiple stacks is lost and later recovered using one of the stacks. The recovered archive is only connected to the stack used to restore it. The other stacks must be manually reconnected.

Disconnect a Stack

You can remove a stack's connection from the archive, without deleting or accessing its container.

Disconnect a Stack Steps

The archive will no longer be connected to its stack and cannot use or access the stack container until it is reconnected (see above).

If the stack container still exists, it is your responsibility to dispose of it.

Leaving a stack disconnected… Warning