Merge Action

The merge action merges a sequence of layers, determined by a critera, into a single layer.

This is not the merge action you are looking for… Note

Merge Rules

The merge action uses two rules to choose two layers in the archive, called the "From" layer and the "Through" layer. Those two layers, and all layers in between, will be merged into a single layer when the action is run.

Each layer is chosen by specifying a starting point, a unit, and a count. The layer chosen by each rule will be the layer that is count number of units from the starting point.

Starting point

A starting point can be either a specific layer:

a time:

or the layer selected by the other rule:

When the starting point is a time, the layer selected is the first later captured at, or after, that time.


Counting is done forward in time for starting points that begin with the word "After," and backwards in time for starting points the begin with the word "Before."


A unit can be:

Rule bounds Note
