Combine Owners or Volumes

Combine is a special utility that combines the history of multiple owners or volumes.

An archive is organized by owners, each containing one or more volumes. In time, it's very likely that you will replace or repartition a hard drive, or upgrade to a new computer system. If you migrate all of your data to the new volume and then being capturing it to your existing archive, QRecall will create a second volume in the archive.


This is, however, probably not what you want. Your archive now has two volumes with separate and distinct histories—but it's really the same set of items. This can make it cumbersome to find items, explore their history, and recall older versions.

Automatic Volume Culling Note

A similar situation will occur (creating multiple owners) if you upgrade or replace your identity key.

Combining Items

This is where the combine command comes in. Combine will stitch together the history of two (or more) owners, or the history of two (or more) volumes, where those owners/volumes actually represent the same owner/volume captured at different times.

Combining Owners or Volumes Steps

Once the combine is finished, a single owner or volume will appear in the archive, and every item it contains will have a single timeline.

Limits of combining items Note