
General Preferences

Quick Start Window

Check Automatically show Quick Start window to have the Quick Start window appear when no other windows are open.


Set the Check for updates option to the desired frequency. QRecall employs the excellent Sparkle framework to automatically detect and install updates.

QRecall Monitor More Info

Check the Automatically download updates setting to silently download an update in the background.

Check Include anonymous system profile information to include innocuous information about your system (number of CPU cores, amount of RAM, default language, and the like) when the application checks for updates. This information is used solely to help plan future versions of QRecall.

Update security Details

Log Files

Set Rotate log files to the frequency you want the active QRecall log file to be retired and a new one started.

The Keeping last option determines how many retired log files are retained before being deleted.

Together, these settings establish the limit on how long log records are kept.