
Archives containing sensitive information can be encrypted for added security.

Old saying: Security is the opposite of convenience.

Encrypting an Archive

Before you add encryption to an archive, it's helpful to understand a little about how QRecall's encryption works.

When you add encryption to an archive, QRecall generates a random encryption key. This is a symmetric key, used both to encrypt and decrypt the data in your archive.

This encryption key is stored in a file called the encryption key file, or just key file. To access the archive (say, to browse and recall some items), QRecall reads the key file and uses the encryption key to decrypt the archive:


The encryption key file is stored in your home folder (specifically in ~/Library/Application Support/QRecall/Keys). Because the key file and archive aren't normally stored on the same volume, an agent that has access to just the archive can't access any of its data.

An agent that has access to both the archive and a computer system containing the key file could, however, access the data. To add an additional layer of security, the encryption key file can, itself, be encrypted with a password. Accessing the archive now requires the archive, the encryption key file, and the encryption key's password:


The encryption key password can be entered every time you need to access that archive, or it can be stored on your keychain for automatic retrieval.

Setting Up Encryption

To encrypt your data, open the archive and choose ArchiveEncryptionInstall Encryption Key….

Installing encryption (quick steps) Steps


First, choose a key length. QRecall uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). A 128-bit key is more than adequate for most purposes, but you also have the choice of 192-bit and 256-bit key lengths for situations that demand it (government or company policy compliance, for example).

Password Protection

As mentioned earlier, the encryption key file can be encrypted with a password. You may elect to do this if your computer is not physically secure, although this will complicate access to the archive.

To encrypt the key file, choose Encrypt the encryption key with a password and enter a password, twice to confirm. You may optionally choose to add the password to the keychain now. Either, or both, of these steps can be done (or undone) later.

Scheduled actions and the encryption key Note
Password strength More Info

Installing a Recovery Key

A recovery key is a copy of the encryption key, encrypted with a passphrase, and stored in the archive. A recovery key acts as an emergency backup for your encryption key and makes it easy to retrieve the key, should you need it. Installing a recovery key is highly recommended.

While technically identical to a password, a passphrase should be longer and harder to guess, often an entire sentence. Enter it twice to confirm.

Once everything is set up, click the Install button to install the encryption key.

Making backups of your encryption key

A dialog will now appear prompting you to make backup copies of your encryption key file and/or the passphrase used to protect your recovery key.

Do not lose your encryption key! Warning

If you didn't create a recovery key, making a backup of your encryption key is strenuously encouraged. Please, I'm begging you; make a backup! If you protected the encryption key file with a password, the backup will be protected by the same password. (Don't lose that either!)

If you elected to install a recovery key, it's equally important to keep track of your passphrase. Checking the passphrase backup option will prompt you save the passphrase as a file; you can later use that file to reload the passphrase, without having to type it in.

Encryption key backup strategies Note
Key files and the command line tool Details

Encrypting Previously Captured Data

The encryption key will by applied to all new data added to the archive.

If you just added an encryption key to an existing archive containing sensitive data, choose the ArchiveEncryptionEncrypt… command to immediately apply the encryption to all unencrypted data.

Changing Passwords

Because the archive's encryption key is not based on a password, it's possible to change (or remove) the password that protects the encryption key file.

Choose ArchiveEncryptionChange Encryption Key Password… to set, change, or remove the password protecting the encryption key file.

If the key file is not currently password protected, you'll be prompted to enter a password and optionally add it to the keychain.

If the key file is already protected by a password, you'll see a dialog requiring you to enter the existing password. You'll then have choices for removing or changing the password:


Passwords on multiple systems More Info

Managing the Recovery Key

If you (went temporarily insane and) elected not to add a recovery key to your archive when setting up encryption, you can correct that oversight at any time by choosing the ArchiveEncryptionInstall Recovery Key… command. You'll be prompted for a passphrase, which you should save someplace safe.

If you (decide life would be more exciting knowing you could lose all of your data and) want to remove the recovery key, hold down the Option key and choose the ArchiveEncryptionRemove Recovery Key… command.

Changing the recovery key passphrase Note

Key recovery is invoked automatically, as needed.

If you open an archive and QRecall cannot read the encryption key file for that archive, and the archive contains a recovery key, you'll be prompted to enter the passphrase for the recovery key. The encryption key will be decoded and reinstalled.

Removing Encryption

If you want to remove encryption, open the archive, hold down the Option key, and choose the ArchiveEncryptionDecrypt… command.

This command will use the installed encryption key to decrypt all protected data in the archive and rewrite it in its unencrypted (plaintext) form. The command then uninstalls the archive's encryption key.

You must decrypt an archive before installing a new encryption key, something you might want to do if the security of the existing encryption key has been compromised.

Duplicating an encrypted archive Warning

Encrypted Archives and Multiple Systems

If you access an encrypted archive from multiple computers, you must install that archive's encryption key on each system.

The easiest technique, by far, is to install a recovery key in the archive and use that recovery key to install the encryption key on each system that needs access to it.

Installing an encryption key on multiple systems Steps

If you don't want to install a recovery key, you can use the same basic technique using the backup of the encryption key file you made during installation. If the archive lacks a recovery key, attempting to open it without an encryption key installed will present an option to import the backup encryption key file. Select Import and navigate to the backup copy.

If you don't have either a recovery key or a backup copy of the key file, you'll have to locate the installed encryption key file on the original system and make a copy of it.

Locating the encryption key file Steps